Cocoa Germplasm Collection at Malaysian Cocoa Board

The ex-situ collections include international cocoa genetic materials from throughout the world which have been imported and introduced into Malaysia. The materials were observed and evaluated for their performance under Malaysia agro-climatic conditions. There are also local cocoa genetic materials which have been planted, observed and evaluated for cocoa planting materials development programs. Some of these materials have been recommended for commercial planting throughout Malaysia.

The genetic materials have been planted and conserved at 6 research stations throughout Malaysia i.e. Cocoa Research and Development Centre Bagan Datuk, Perak (CRDC Bagan Datuk), Cocoa Research and Development Centre Jengka, Pahang (CRDC Jengka), Cocoa Research and Development Centre Kunak, Sabah (CRDC Madai), Cocoa Research and Development Centre Tawau, Sabah (CRDC Tawau), Cocoa Biotechnology Research Station, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (KKIP) and Cocoa Research and Development Centre Kota Samarahan, Sarawak (CRDC Kota Samarahan).

Search cocoa databases

Search the database for information on cocoa genetic materials, and a wide range of morphological and agronomic characters of cocoa clones. Photographs and genetic fingerprints (SSR profiles) can also be accessed.